
More than 3,200 million pesos, from investments in the hydraulic sector in Cuba, have been allocated this year in the country to continue developing this program that pays taxes to one of the services most in demand by the population.

According to engineer Antonio Rodríguez Rodríguez, president of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRH), there are five guiding programs for the investment process in the hydraulic sector: Water supply, Sanitation, Storage and transfer, Protective works and Hydrometry.

For the remainder of the year, we plan to complete 293 works. To date there are 293 pure works and 108 wells for different supplies. The completion of the works has been going very well. In addition, 551 km of networks and conductors have been executed throughout the country, 56 km of drainage and sewage connectors, and more than 45 km of connections, Rodríguez Rodríguez reported.

Among the main benefits of these investments, the manager highlighted that more than 57,000 people have been connected to the water supply, and more than 13,000 to the sewage system, while the network and conduit system has been improved.

In all the provinces of the country something is being done, if it is not investment, it is maintenance, said the engineer.

He also highlighted the more than 600 million pesos that have been allocated to the execution of works in vulnerable neighborhoods, as they have a favorable impact on these environments.

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