Katheri Ruiz Robaina
The Third Improvement constitutes a research that proposes solutions with a more comprehensive approach in order to transform the functioning of educational institutions and modalities at different levels and types of education.
In the Avilanian municipality of Morón, Primary Education is immersed in this process of transformation, as confirmed by Omaida Morales Vergel, Head of the Department of Primary Education in the territory.
“Four years ago we started with new forms of work where the afternoon sessions in schools become palaces of pioneers, with the Third Improvement everyone must work with the students, not just the teachers.”
“The afternoon sessions are used to teach interest circles, where community factors, Physical Education, Computer and English specialists intervene. The assistants are in charge of the work in the formation of values, formal education and socially useful work,” he argued.
“When we have the new Study Material Base, the first and fourth grade curricular part will begin, children who will have notebooks and textbooks that are very well designed, laminaries, etc., we are just waiting for them to arrive since they are are printing in other countries,” explained Morales Vergel.