Leonel Iparraguirre González
When the city of Morón is close to the 480th anniversary of its mercedación, the local government together with a group of organisms and entities, is determined to turn around the hygienic aspect, in favor of the beautification of the urban environment.
Even when objective problems get in the way of the tasks of the Community Services Unit in terms of solid waste collection and social indiscipline persists, work is being done on the materialization of new strategies, among them, the construction of subviaderos initially in central areas of the location.
The project is carried out in close relationship with the construction company, which is in charge of the execution of this system, where the population goes to deposit solid waste, without this constituting a scene that tarnishes the aesthetic harmony of the city.
The first subviaderos were located in strategic places on Avenida de Tarafa, in front of the Benito Juárez Junior High School, and in other key points where mountains of garbage accumulate.
A claim by the students of the Nguyen Van Troi Pre-University School at their recent FEEM Annual Assembly was to seek formulas to liquidate a micro-dump that thrives in the vicinity of that school, with the corresponding effects.