Carmen Curbeira Calvo
An intensive work is carried out by the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution, CDR, in the Patria Popular Council, in the Avilanian municipality of Morón, in order to contribute to the development of the community and change its image.
Leaders of the largest mass organization in the country recognize the work of zone 28 in complying with the CDR quota, in the revitalization process, as well as other zones in completing their basic structure and finances.
This important grassroots organization, in tune with the need to produce food, promotes planting in patios and plots associated with the Urban and Suburban Agriculture Movement in the territory from each neighborhood.
The CDRs, together with the FMC, work on the campaign in favor of saving electricity, in addition to carrying out actions with different sectors such as Communes in the elimination of micro-dumps and leaks that existed in that demarcation.